SOLVIT Conference: retrospective view

On October 14, 2022 the University of Luxembourg was the place where people met and discussed about the SOLVIT. SOLVIT is a free online dispute resolution network for citizens and businesses that encounter problems with the public administrations of EU, Iceland, Norway & Liechtenstein. Launched 2002, it has 20 birthday this year, which is a great time to look back and reconsider the success of the system as well as to look into the future of SOLVIT. Should it become a default tool for dispute resolution in the Single Market? If yes, how?

In the Conference closing remarks the Minister of Economy of Luxembourg Franz Fayot called for SOLVIT to be strengthened. He invited to improve the application of the existing rules of SOLVIT and if necessary to develop new legislative initiatives. He excelled the high significance of SOLVIT for the EU citizens and highlighted that if SOLVIT will be strengthened, everyone will benefit.

We thank to all the participants for the fruitful discussions!

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